Created by Lauren Faust, Super Best Friends Forever is a series of shorts about Wonder Girl (voiced by Grey DeLisle), Batgirl (voiced by Tara Strong) and Supergirl (voiced by Nicole Sullivan) joining together to fight crime. The series only lasted for 5 episodes.
SBFF #1 Invisible Joy Ride[]
Supergirl and Batgirl try to convince Wonder Girl to fly Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet.
SBFF #2 Time Waits for No Girl[]
After waiting for her father Commissioner Gordon to go to sleep, Batgirl hurries across the city to stop Poison Ivy.
SBFF #3 Grounded[]
Supergirl is grounded and Superman will make sure she stays in her room.
SBFF #4 Name Game[]
While battling the Cheetah, the girls debate if they should call their group the Super Best Friends Forever.
SBFF #5 Solomon Grundy Don't Fight Girls[]
When Solomon Grundy begins rampaging, the SBFF show up to stop him. Only, Grundy don't fight girls