During the early 80's Remco switch over the release knock toys of Masters Of The Universe and the 3 3/4inch G.I.Joe action figure linups. Sgt. Rock was there first answer to the Joes (even said so on the box) but were not done as well as the Joes. There arms were short, could not hold there weapons and were taken out of WWII. To make matter worse the only known character that was released as Sgt. Rock, who look nothing like the card art that he was packaged with. There are many varient paintjobs on these figures.
Sgt. Rock
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock in package
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock loose front
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock loose back
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Airman front
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Airman back
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Cowboy in package
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Cowboy front
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Cowboy back
Remco Sgt. Rock: Doc in package
Remco Sgt. Rock: Doc loose front
Remco Sgt. Rock: Doc loose back
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Gunner in package
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Gunner front
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Gunner back
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Gyrene in package
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Gyrene loose front (different color)
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Gyrene loose back
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Instructor in package
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Instructor loose front
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Instructor loose back
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock:Leatherneck in package
Remco Sgt. Rock: Leatherneck loose front
Remco Sgt. Rock: Leatherneck loose back
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Mack in package
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Marksman in package
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Marksman loose front
Remco Action Figure Sgt. Rock: Marksman loose back
Remco Sgt. Rock: Military Police in package
Remco Sgt. Rock: Military Police loose front
Remco Sgt. Rock: Military Police loose back
Remco Sgt. Rock: Parachutist Commando in package
Remco Sgt Rock: Raider in package
Remco Sgt. Rock: Raider loose 1
Remco Sgt. Rock: Raider loose 2
Remco Sgt. Rock: Ranger in package
Remco Sgt. Rock: Snow Force in package
Remco Sgt. Rock: Tanker in package
Remco Sgt. Rock: Tanker loose front
Remco Sgt. Rock: Tanker loose back
Remco Sgt. Rock back card
Remco Sgt. Rock G.I. Mess kit Set
Remco Sgt Rock: L.E.M. Attack Command Vehicle
Remco Sgt. Rock Action Machine Gun Nest
Remco Sgt. Rock: Climbing Assault Unit
Remco Sgt. Rock: Forward Recon Post
Remco Sgt. Rock: River Commando Patrol
Remco Sgt. Rock: Stunt Plane
Remco Sgt. Rock: Target Gun Set
Remco Sgt. Rock Action Playset
Remco Sgt. Rock Action Playset
Remco Sgt. Rock Action Playset
Remco Sgt. Rock Action Playset
Remco Sgt. Rock Action Playset
Remco Sgt. Rock Action Playset
Remco Sgt. Rock Action Playset
You cannot have army men with a villain to go up against so Remco came up with there verison of Cobra: The Bad Guys. The B.G. were just repaints of the good guys for the most part:
Remco The Bad Guys: front card
Remco The Bad Guys: Back Card
Remco The Bad Guys: Grizzle loose front
Remco The Bad Guys: Grizzly loose back
Remco The Bad Guys: Hammer Head in package
Remco The Bad Guys: Hammer Head loose front
Remco The Bad Guys: Hammer Head loose back
Remco The Bad Guys: Hawk carded
Remco The Bad Guys: Hawk loose front
Remco The Bad Guys: Hawk loose back
Remco The Bad Guys: Scorpion carded
Remco The Bad Guys: Scorpion loose front
Remco The Bad Guys: Scorpion loose back
Remco The Bad Guys: Shark carded
Remco The Bad Guys: Shark loose front
Remco The Bad Guys: Shark loose back
Remco The Bad Guys: Shark with weapons
Remco The Bad Guys: Snake carded
Remco The Bad Guys: Snake loose front
Remco The Bad Guys: Snake loose back
Remco The Bad Guys: Vulture loose front
Remco The Bad Guys: Vulture loose back
Remco The Bad Guys: Wolf loose front
Remco The Bad Guys: Parachutist Commando
Remco The Bad Guys: Battle Action Amphibious Destroyer
Remco The Bad Guys: Battle Action Amphibious Destroyer
Remco The Bad guys: Battle Action Amphibious Destroyer
Remco The Bad Guys: Hidden Ambush Gunners Nest
Remco The Bad Guys: Bad Guys Guerrilla Enemy Camp Set
Remco The Bad Guys: Power Anti Aircraft Weapon
Remco The Bad Guys: Power Anti Aircraft Weapon
Remco The Bad Guys: Power Anti Aircraft Weapon
Remco The Bad Guys: Assault Raft Invasion Set
Remco The Bad Guys: Rocket Attack Mobile Unit
Remco The Bad Guys: Rocket Attack Mobile Unit
Remco The Bad Guys: Rocket Attack Mobile Unit
Remco The Bad Guys: The Big Bad Chopper
Remco The Bad Guys: Giant Double Action Set
Remco The Bad Guys: Die Cast Tank
Remco The Bad Guys: Die Cast Tank