Space Sentinels (originally titled The Young Sentinels and renamed midway through its only season) is a Saturday morning animated series
produced by Filmation which debuted on the American NBC network on September 10, 1977 and ran for thirteen half-hour episodes. The series has been called "ahead of its time" due to its racially diverse cast of main characters.
In this series, the Roman mythological figures Hercules and Mercury are joined by Astrea, a character created specifically for the series, to form a superhero team to protect mankind.
Morpheus: The Sinester Sentinel |
Space Giant |
The Time Traveler |
The Sorceress |
The Return of Anibus |
The Wizard of Od |
The Prime Sentinel |
Commander Nemo |
Voyage to the Inner World |
Loki |
Fauna |
The Jupiter Spore |
The World Ship |
The Freedom Force is a 1978 animated television series produced by Filmation and aired on CBS as a segment of Tarzan and the Super 7. It
showcased a superhero team gathered by the heroine Isis from around the world to help fight evil. Isis had previously appeared in the live-action television series, The Secrets of Isis, although the actress who portrayed her, Joanna Cameron, did not reprise the role for the cartoon.
The Dragon Riders |
The Scarlet Samurai |
The Plant Soldiers |
Pegasus' Odyssey |
The Robot |