In this animated version of the space adventure, teenagers Alex Gordon and Dale Arden accidentally travel on Dr. Zarkov's spaceship through a black hole to the planet Mongo, where they help re-start the rebellion against the evil Ming the Merciless.
For this series, the dashing blond hero was regressed to his teenage years, and he employed a hoverboard. As in previous versions, he teamed up with Dale Arden (also a teen) and balding, bespectacled scientist Hans Zarkov. Flash's parents were American astronauts who got sucked into a dimensional hole just outside the earth’s atmosphere. The trans-dimensional portal was placed there by Ming the Merciless, emperor of the planet Mongo, who hoped to provide open access for his invading armies. In this series, Ming resembled and showed characteristics of a lizard and seemed to have a wife who was long dead (it was implied in some episodes that she had gone to Earth).
Flash, Dale, and Zarkov followed Flash's parents in their own space vehicle, rescuing them and closing the dimensional hole. Unfortunately, Flash and crew were stuck on the Mongo side. The earthlings discovered other nearby planets with anti-Ming factions and put together a loose coalition, determined to overthrow Mongo’s evil emperor and return, Princess Thundar, Flash, Dale, and Zarkov to their native planet.
Escape to Mongo |
Jaws of the Jungle |
The Caves of Doom |
Vandals from the Void |
Fangs of Fury |
Terror Beneath the Waves |
Wings of Destruction |
The Invisible Claw |
Pit of the Tigrons |
Cry of the Pantheron |
The Dragon Strikes |
The Wrath of Ming |
Rocket to Oblivion |
Ambush in Arboria |
Moon of Mystery |
Revenge of the Dragon! |
The Fiendish Experiment! |
The Dungeons of Despair! |
Treasure of the Depths! |
Fortress of Fear! |
Palace of Peril! |
Shadow of the Shark! |
Double Disaster |
The Fur Flies |
Enemy Ming |
Escape to Earth! |